Gungame Servers > Gungame Servers

Psychostats pages


My stats installs were broke by a PHP update by my webhost. For now re installs wont work. I will continue to work on this.

Update; Fixed for now.

Dave's DoD Source is at


Dave's Source GUNGAME is at

I have stats pages for all of the servers that I update, there are links on the motd or welcome screen of the servers. I will post links here later.

In case anyone is wondering why some of the psychostats pages haven't updated for a couple of days it is because my internet has been down. Century link is populated by a bunch of retarded idiots, with no clue. Hopefully it will be back on today, if so I will resume manually updating.

The reason it is down is because I requested a static ip. Reason being I want to host some of the psychostats pages on one of my computers. Century link said I needed a business acct. for this so I ordered it. Long story short they managed to kill my residential account and cant seem to get the business account going. Tech has been here twice and is supposed to come back today. After endless hours of phone conversations, chat and text that is where I am at, about to loose my mind.

Finally got my internet back on today, working on stats update catch up. Will probably be caught up some times tomorrow.

Finally got a site to allow me to have working automatic updates to the stats pages. The urls will change soon, hopefully for the last time. I will post them here and on the motds I'm done installing.

These are all broke after a operating system update. I am using the game servers stats for now, they update once a day around 6 am eastern time.


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