cs_SHOGUN_FINAL - by [builder]oma email - oma@omazone.co.uk Model birds - DarkForceRising Textures: - [builder]oma ------------- DoD Notes ------------- Ported over to dod (32 player flag capture map) by -= Neon and Iisacc =- of The FnL Clan Australia. ------ Why Port It ? simple, Oma and the [builder]'s have done an amazing job on this map. The look, the feel, the ambience, everything is very well done. Even jumping into the unknown to die (which you gotta check out), is so well done. I've never seen another map like this, and thought the dod community would love it. All credit still goes to the creator Oma and [builder]. Thanks, Neon and Iisacc. ------------------------------------- The following notes are for the cs 1.6 version which you can get from: http://www.omazone.co.uk ------ The Japanese Palace built by the infamous Shogun Yasuda, has been re-opened for the first time in over 500 years. A highly skilled and dangerous team of Japanese and European Militants have infiltrated the high temple building in an attempt to retrieve ancient scripts the ancient shogun's sorcerers had worked on which were said to contain instructions showing a way to open a doorway into hell itself. The Terrorists had not banked upon a team of 5 scientists and archaeologists being at the site. One of the team had escaped, and have alerted the Japanese Law enforcement. As a result the reamining team have been held hostageand now serve as currency for the Militants safe escape. CT's - RESCUE THE HOSTAGES! T's - Guard the hostages against the Japanese counter-terrorist rescue attempt. Special Thanks to Ubehagelig for his "hmm" ideas - Illa for various resources - Ginseng for help with "the leap" - DFR for help with entities and Mawibse for his poly reduction ideas. playtests:- dirge(m3 mamma, mapping legend) rogue(the mapper formerly known as muppet) jake(thy farmer with a hoe) rancid(hells hair on the coolest guy) demo(1 fingered chicken chaser) ivan(deagle wielding sausage smuggler) DarkForceRising(like piles, only funny) sc0t3h(tartan bagpipe playing porridge chewer) greggie(Hair Splitting Deadeye robot) To anyone who can read the kanji words - "Im sorry they just looked nice - I didnt realise they meant that!" [builder]-uk's favorite cs/building clan http://builder-clan.co.uk/ (Press Fire to Continue)